Trees for the garden – which ones to choose?

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Trees for the garden – which ones to choose?

The garden can be greened with the help of various plants. Picturesque garden compositions can not lack trees. Properly placed, they can fulfill several functions at once. See which trees are best suited for your garden!

Choosing trees for the garden

There are different types of trees classified by size, strength or foliage. Smaller trees, especially those with a columnar habit, should be planted at the edge of the garden to screen yourself from neighbors or the road. Larger trees such as the majestic oak require a large garden area. Before buying a seedling of any tree, consider whether it will fit within the confines of your orchard. You can always buy a finer variety of the species. For example, the Quercus robur Fastigiata oak, with its narrow soaring crown, will fit even in a small home garden.

Before buying a seedling you should also ask yourself what you want from the tree – should it be used as an espalier, provide shade or perhaps bear fruit to enjoy in the summer months? Alternatively, you can plant a tree with shimmering colors, stunning flowers or foliage and give it a decorative function.

Trees for a small garden

When choosing trees, remember that they will reign supreme in your garden space. The tree is the dominant element of the garden, setting the tone for the surrounding vegetation. Find enough empty space for the sapling. In a small garden, trees that break up the linearity of the lawn will be ideal. In this regard, for example, the papilionaceous birch (Betula pendula), which comes in several varieties, or the ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo), whose leaves completely turn yellow in autumn, will work.

By the terrace, it is best to plant a tree that gives shade, such as surmia b ignonioides (Catalpa bignonioides), which looks like a large umbrella of leaves. Its foliage is dense and does not take up much space. This variety of surmia does not flower and grows well in any soil.

The Robinia pseudoacacia Umbraculifera has similar characteristics, but its crown forms a dense green ball. This plant because of its exquisite appearance will look great in front of the house as a solitary. It also looks good in rows.

If you dream of a tree covered with flowers, consider Koelreuteria paniculata. Its foliage is not as dense as that of the Robinia acacia, but the yellow blossoms will look exceptional.

Fast-growing garden trees

The growth rate of a tree is one of the most important criteria for new gardeners in particular. If you want your garden to take shape as quickly as possible, choose tree seedlings with vigorous growth.

The bearded birch and the ash-leaf maple already mentioned show very rapid growth. All varieties of willow also grow quickly. The owners of small gardens should pay attention to willow (Salix caprea) Kilmarnock with a small crown and hanging to the ground shoots, along which in late March and April develop golden yellow bases. A little larger will be the Babylon willow (Salix babilonica) with interesting twisted shoots, which is worth planting over a pond or a pond.

Undemanding and fast-growing trees are also narrow-leaved olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) with silvery-gray lanceolate leaves, American tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera ) producing large green-yellow flowers, and black alder (Alnus glutinosa), which feels good in a cluster with willow, poplar and cherry.

Main Photo: Yoxel ? Zok/unsplash.com

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