Japanese manicure – how to do it?

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Japanese manicure – how to do it?

A well-groomed appearance positively affects our image, and well-groomed hands are definitely one of the most important elements of it. Manicure, or in Latin mani – hands and cura – care, cure, is a kind of cosmetic treatment, to which our toenails are subjected

The term is probably familiar to every woman and probably the vast majority of men, but not everyone distinguishes between its types. One example of a manicure treatment, which is not yet very popular, is the Japanese manicure. What is it, what are its effects and what is its history?

Japanese manicure – a treatment from the Land of the Rising Sun, which is gaining ever wider circles around the world

The roots of the Japanese manicure, as you can easily guess, go back to Asia. The history of the treatment is about four hundred years old. Japanese manicure was initially popular among the more affluent part of society and was intended to nourish the nail plate by applying mixed nutrients to it. As a result, the nails looked natural and attractive. Currently, this treatment still involves rubbing mixtures of vitamins and minerals into the nail plate, but we don’t have to come from aristocratic circles to get it done in a beauty salon.

Photo: ooking2thesky/Adobe Stock

Japanese manicure – for whom?

After reading the previous paragraph mentioning vitamins, minerals and nutrition, you can already guess that the Japanese manicure will be a good solution for people with weak or damaged nail plate. And you would be right! Japanese manicure is a treatment that will help take care of broken, weakened nails, with a tendency to split and thus look brittle, dull and unattractive. Such nails certainly do not add self-confidence and do not contribute to the desire to expose the hands, which are our business card. If you often use hybrid, gel or acrylic manicures, your nails will feel relieved if you give them a Japanese manicure treatment, because it will allow them to regenerate between more invasive treatments.

What a Japanese Manicure Is

During a Japanese manicure, your nail plate will first need to be matted using a file, and it cannot be a metal file. The roughening will allow the nutrients, which will be applied to the nail plate second, to better penetrate the nail and play their most important role – nourishing. Next, a special green paste, which has regenerative properties, will be rubbed into your nails. The formula will contain ingredients such as bee pollen, creatine, vitamin A, vitamin E and marine silica. Creatine promotes rebuilding, bee pollen strengthens brittle plate, vitamins stimulate nail growth and nourish the nail, as does silica.

For the finishing touch, a powder will be applied to the nails to give them a shiny appearance. The powder will also act as a protective barrier, allowing the applied nutrients to penetrate deeper into the nail plate and stay there. On the other hand, deerskin polish will give the nails a shiny and healthy looking effect.

The treatment takes about half an hour. Afterwards, the best thing you can do for your nails is to let them rest. Do not paint them for the next few days. Let time and the Japanese manicure do their job

Japanese manicure – how often to repeat the treatment

Japanese manicure should not be used too often. Its main purpose is to improve the condition of your nails, especially if you use more intrusive treatments on a daily basis, such as hybrid or gel manicures. In this situation, Japanese manicure will be your ally, but used too often will not allow the plate to grow back naturally, so do not opt for it more often than once every three weeks.

Photo: Valua Vitaly/Adobe Stock

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