Ways to treat colic in your baby

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Ways to treat colic in your baby

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Food colic is a fairly common problem that mostly affects babies between four and six weeks of age. What are the proven methods for this ailment? We suggest!

Infantile colic attacks are one of the most frequent ailments in infants. There is still no clear answer as to what exactly may be the cause of this problem. According to specialists, the occurrence of colic in an infant may be caused by, among others, immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract in a child, as well as intolerance of certain products. Although the attacks usually subside spontaneously, they can cause sleepless nights for many new parents, who often do not know how to relieve their baby. Fortunately, there are several ways in which the symptoms of colic may be alleviated. However, you have to remember that every infant is different and what works for one baby, will not necessarily be effective for your baby. Therefore, it is worth reaching for different methods and see how he reacts to specific ones.

Pay attention to your diet

The foods you eat while breastfeeding may contribute to your baby’s colic. It is a good idea to analyze your diet for specific ingredients and give up those that are not tolerated by your baby. During lactation, it’s better to avoid eating citrus fruits, cow’s milk, nuts, and strong coffee and tea, among other things.

Anna Shvets/Pexels

Warm compresses

This is one of the frequently used methods by parents. A special hot-water bottle can be helpful in relieving colic symptoms. When choosing the right one for your toddler, make sure it is made of safe, pleasant materials. Cherrypad™is a gentle, natural, dry thermoformer made of cherry seeds, which was designed in consultation with midwives. It helps to alleviate colic and abdominal pain in your baby. Its production takes place in Poland using safe, highest quality cotton and ecological flax. Additionally, it is available in versions enriched with various fragrances, which have calming and healthy properties.

Take care of the right environment

It turns out that the conditions in which the toddler stays can significantly affect his mood and severity of symptoms. The child’s room should not be too cold or too hot, as this can make the child even more irritable. The optimal temperature in the room where the baby stays should be between 20°C and 22°C. Also pay attention to whether the baby is exposed to too much external stimuli. Too much light in the room as well as prolonged noise can also increase the baby’s crying.

Try massages

Anti-colic colic massages, which consist in gently massaging the baby’s belly, may also prove helpful in the fight against colic attacks. Regularly applied may have a positive influence on the work of the digestive system and help digestion. One should remember, however, not to do it right after feeding the baby.

Hugging and rocking

In colic attacks it is very important for the child to feel the closeness of the parent. Gently, rhythmically rocking the baby in your arms has a calming effect, and at the same time helps to strengthen the bond with the child.

Photo: Alena Ozerova/Adobe Stock

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