Buying a refrigerator – what parameters to pay attention to?

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Buying a refrigerator – what parameters to pay attention to?

The market today is very rich in all kinds of home appliances. Refrigerators are no exception here – we can choose from numerous sizes and models. Today we will try to clarify some important parameters and tell you what to pay attention to when buying.

Match the equipment to the room

The first parameter to analyze is the expected size of the refrigerator. It should be matched to the number of people living in the household, but the equipment must also fit into the kitchen, so as not to overwhelm its dimensions.

You should also think about matching the equipment with the rest of the kitchen furniture – perhaps a built-in fridge is a good idea? This solution will help to achieve a harmonious interior design. Remember, however, that a built-in fridge should have special parameters, especially when it comes to the ventilation system.

Before buying it is necessary to pay attention to the direction of opening the door. This is an important issue, because the incorrectly chosen direction can prevent the device from opening after installation in your kitchen. You can also freely choose the number of doors depending on your preferences and the amount of space you have at your disposal.

Technical specifications

A particularly important feature of a refrigerator is its energy efficiency. It is, after all, an appliance that works constantly, around the clock. Make sure that the fridge you choose has the appropriate energy saving class – the most economical refrigerators are class A+++. The higher price of this type of fridge will be more than compensated by lower electricity bills.

Also make sure that the appliance has a no frost option. This is a technology that prevents ice from forming inside household appliances. A no frost fridge does not require regular defrosting as was necessary in older models.

Pay attention to the volume of the refrigerator, it should be determined by the number of decibels in the parameters of the equipment. Of course, the quieter the device we buy, the greater the comfort of use.

Make sure that the refrigerator has a humidity control and antibacterial filter. These two parameters will significantly increase the safety of food storage. Regulating humidity will extend the possible time of storing products and will help to preserve their freshness. The antibacterial filter will allow for better hygiene inside the fridge and also prevent the spread of dangerous microbes.

Location of the freezer

The size and location of your freezer should fit your current habits and allow for convenient access. Not only the capacity but also the number of drawers that suits your needs is important. Most models have the freezer at the bottom of the appliance, but this is not a rule.

Extras and variety

If you have a slightly larger budget, you may want to consider additional options for your new fridge. A popular option, for example, is the presence of an ice cube maker. Modern refrigerators can also have two air circuits to prevent odors from combining.

An interesting technological feature is also an advanced thermostat that can adjust the temperature individually for each segment of the refrigerator. This can be helpful when storing many different types of foods that require different temperatures.

Main photo: Campus Production/pexels.com

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