5 practical gifts for friends

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5 practical gifts for friends

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Who of us does not like gifts? After all, getting and giving gifts to your loved ones is one of the nicest activities. However, gifts have to be right in order to make you happy. So here is our list of 5 practical gifts that your friends will surely enjoy.

Customized clothing – a personalized gift for everyone

A great idea for a fully personalised gift is customised clothing. These clothes can be painted, printed or simply decorated in any way you like to make them totally unique and special. For example, you can choose to customize it in the style of your favorite movie, TV series, book or a particular character. In fact, you are limited only by your imagination… and artistic skills

However, if you do not feel up to creating a design yourself and then applying it to your clothes, there are many people on the internet who do this for a living and create real masterpieces on jackets, pants or accessories such as shoes or backpacks

If you don’t want to go for a painted pattern, which can be quite expensive, then prints are also a great option – you can be sure that a printed tracksuit will be a very successful gift.

Creative accessories – something for the stressed out

Creative activities can be very relaxing and calming. So it is worth spending at least 10/15 minutes a day on bullet journaling, painting by numbers or other creative activities. So if you know that your friend is constantly stressed by work and daily responsibilities, you may find that creative accessories, allowing for a few moments of relaxation during the day, would make a great gift

But what to choose? It is worth starting with the more basic ones such as a set for keeping a creative journal, often called bullet journal, acrylic paints or relaxing coloring books for adults.

Candles – the perfect gift for your home

Decorations for the apartment are always a good idea for a gift. And one of such decorations given to friends can be a candle – after all, there is a reason why so many people say that you can never have too many candles in your home! However, it is worth choosing the more interesting and natural ones, such as Candela soy candles. They will not only be a beautiful decoration on the shelf, but also beautify the apartment with an amazing scent.

Potted flowers – give a bit of nature

Another good idea for a gift for your home are flowers and potted plants. But try to choose the ones that won’t cause you too many problems. Cacti and succulents are always a good choice to start with. You can also bet on plants such as monsters, dracaenas, coral palms or sanseweras. They do not require great care and sophisticated conditions, and they will beautifully decorate any interior

Coffees and teas – perfect gift for home evenings

A good choice for a gift that everyone will enjoy is a set of sophisticated coffees or teas – depending on what your friend likes more. You can also choose accessories such as different spices or honeys, as well as a tea brewer. Match it with elegant cups or a mug with a funny print and a successful gift is ready

Main photo: freestocks/unsplash.com

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