Planning a house party? Here are the best ideas for a theme party

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Planning a house party? Here are the best ideas for a theme party

A house party is a fantastic party if it is properly prepared. What theme should you choose to make it really fun?

It’s not true that only kids like to dress up. Theme parties, where guests put on costumes related to the chosen theme, are very popular with adults and a lot of fun. We check what ideas are the best!

Adults, and still like children!

Dressing up for a house party as children can be a lot of fun. Just imagine grown men in diapers with pacifiers or ladies in frilly dresses with bows in their hair. The advantage of such a themed party is undoubtedly that it is quite easy to carry out, and the costumes can be largely prepared by yourself. To the perfect house party for creative partygoers. 

The house can be decorated with cut-outs, children’s drawings, streamers, balloons – the range of possibilities is huge. 

Of course, it’s worth playing a prank on your guests and serving them porridge with milk for the first course! Surely everyone will remember it for a long time!

Animal theme always in vogue

Another idea for a theme is, of course, the jungle. It is quite popular, so you can find a whole lot of decorations in stores with birthday gadgets, if you do not feel like preparing them yourself. Green curtains, palm trees cut out of paper and guests dressed as wild animals – such a party just has to go! The costumes of guests can be rented, but it is worthwhile to determine this in advance, it should be borne in mind that those made on your own are usually much funnier and cause a lot of laughter, which promotes a good time at the house party.

How about some color?

The theme can be some color. The host can choose his or her favorite shade, or for fun choose pink, for example. In addition to having the whole house in the colors of this hue, of course, the guests should also have such outfits. Such a party is ideal for people who don’t like to get too fancy, but want it to be different from the usual. 

A reference to a favorite movie? By all means!

You usually invite your closest friends to a house party. Perhaps there is a movie that you watch with your pack every time the occasion arises? If so, it’s worth trying to take on the role of your TV favorites yourself. It will be fun to guess together who is who, and to quote favorite parts of the movie.

Another option is to dress up as any movie character. This will certainly be more interesting insofar as later you can do not only a competition for the best disguise, but also guess who dressed up as whom. And this will certainly not be an easy task. 

Of course, you can replace the movie with a fairy tale or TV series!

main photo: unsplash.com/Helena Yankovska

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