How to introduce the habit of systematic reading?

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How to introduce the habit of systematic reading?

Some people have not parted with a book since childhood. Others have not possessed such a habit or have abandoned it due to a flurry of activities. How to restore this habit or start reading? Read in our material!

Start reading in small portions

Many people immediately set their expectations too high, planning to read 100 books a year or taking on difficult reading. As a result, they stop reading again, for the reason that they find this activity too difficult and unpleasant. Get a sense of how much time you feel comfortable with a book in your hand and stick to that. What’s the point of agonizing with it for an hour if after just 20 minutes you’re already thoughts elsewhere?

Carve out time for reading

This is especially important at the habit-forming stage. Just deciding that on a given day you will “read a little” is not enough. There is then a high risk that you will not open the book at all. Allocate yourself, for example, 15 minutes of reading after breakfast or 30 minutes before bed and you will see that in a week you will automatically reach for a book at the appointed time.

Create your book dream list

Were you intrigued by a book while watching a TV show? Or maybe an interesting advertisement appeared on social networks? Have you noticed that one and the same title scrolls through various reviews and rankings of the best books? Write down the titles and authors for yourself, creating your book wish list.

Read the book synopsis first

Browse through your wish list and look for summaries of selected books. If you’re interested in a non-fiction novel, read the synopsis first to save time and money. If the synopsis has convinced you, go boldly to the bookstore for the full version.

Abort the book without regret if it doesn’t meet your expectations

Life is too short to waste it on boring books. It also happens that we are not in the mood for a certain book. If it is valuable, come back to it in a while.

Plan the order of reading

A good plan is half the battle. Reading is no exception. A stack of books on the table or a list of titles in an e-book awakens the “appetite” for reading. Buy a few books from your wish list and think about the order in which you will read them. Imagine the pleasure you will get from the reading process. The foretaste can sometimes be more enjoyable than the reading itself.

Allow yourself to experiment

Don’t have time to sit quietly with a book in an armchair? Try the audio format. Its advantage is that you can simultaneously listen and do something else: ironing, cooking or driving. The fast pace of life means that people these days listen more often than they read.

Set goals for yourself

Set yourself small goals so that your enthusiasm for reading doesn’t quickly die out: “Read 30 minutes a day”, “Read 2 books a month”… And then move on to long-term goals, remembering to make them achievable. If the goals are not achieved, don’t despair. Reading a book a week or a month later is not such a big crime again.

Get pleasure from reading

When creating a habit to accompany you throughout your life, you need to ensure that it provides you with pleasure. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Create a pleasant reading corner and treat this activity as a hobby, not a chore. Don’t force yourself to read, choose only those books that really interest you.

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