6 ways to protect your skin from frost

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6 ways to protect your skin from frost

Although there is still some time left until the harsh frosts, experts suggest that the skin should start protecting and preparing for low temperatures now. How to properly take care of facial hydration during cold weather?  

Regular facial cleansing

The epidermis has a natural protective layer, the main component of which is sebum. It is this layer that most often appears on the face at the end of the day. Although sebum is healthy for the skin, excess sebum should be systematically removed. It is for this reason that you should wash your face morning and evening, removing dirt, sweat and other impurities.

This will allow the skin to breathe freely, and the dirt will not go under the epidermis or irritate wounds. Special products such as foams, gels, oils, liquids or tonics should be used to clean the face. Ladies should also pay special attention to systematic makeup removal.

Use of scrubs

Another way to keep the skin in good condition is to use scrubs regularly. However, it is worth remembering that exfoliants should not be used on dry skin. When the epidermis is undernourished, peeling can damage it more and irritate the skin. Peeling should be used a maximum of twice a week, so as to remove dead skin, stimulate the regeneration process and smooth the facial skin. People with sensitive skin or problems such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis should use products adapted to their needs. In this way, they will take care of their skin without worsening its current condition or increasing unpleasant discomforts. 

Using natural oils

One way to protect the skin from frost is also to use facial oils regularly. Their texture will not be to everyone’s liking, but the natural regenerating and moisturizing agents found in them definitely justify their systematic use. The unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals contained in oils nourish the epidermis, help to effectively moisturize and smooth it. Among the recommended products are oils of evening primrose, rosehip or borage.

Applying masks

In the process of moisturizing the facial skin, there must also be masks. There are many types of these products available on the market, so everyone is sure to find something for themselves. Before buying it is worth checking the composition of the mask. In winter, when the skin is more prone to dryness, the composition of the mask should include such nutrients as vitamins A, C, D, E and K, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, fruit acids or natural vegetable oils.

Creaming the skin

The basis in protecting the skin from severe frost is the use of cream. Experts point out that during this period the cream should be different from the preparation we use in the summer. Creams for winter should be slightly heavier in consistency, and they should not lack vitamins and nutrients. Protection from the cold can be provided by creams with urea, glycerin, aloe vera and flaxseed. 

Using a protective lipstick

An issue that should not be forgotten is to ensure that your lips are protected. To do this, it is best to regularly use special protective lipsticks. You can use them every day, every time you go outdoors. It is worth ensuring that the composition includes honey and vitamin A, which effectively moisturize the skin, forming a special protective layer.

main photo: Melnychuk

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